Child's Information
Family Information
Ethnicity / Race
The above part of the question is about ethnicity, not race. No matter what you selected above, please continue to answer the following by marking one or more boxes to indicate
what you consider your race to be. MUST ANSWER BOTH QUESTIONS.
Special Education
If yes, please answer the following:
OCPS will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national and ethnic origin, age, religion, or disability in the administration of its
educational, admission and athletic policies and other school-administered programs.
Emergency Contacts In case my child becomes ill or injured at school and parent contact cannot be made, you may contact or release my child to
the following: The following people are also allowed to pick my child up after school.
Please list one medication and frequency per line
List one name, age and relationship per line
In an emergency, when we cannot be contacted, the school authorities or parent volunteers have our permission to use their best judgment in the interest of our
child’s health and welfare. The school assumes no financial responsibility or legal liability. If emergency service involving medical action or treatment is required and
neither parent nor the family physician can be reached for consent, the parent hereby consents to the rendering of such emergency medical service for the above
named students as shall be necessary in the opinion of the adult performing supervision.
The California Education Code requires schools to determine the language(s) spoken at home by each student and the dates they first enrolled in schools in the United States. This information is essential for schools to provide meaningful instruction for all students. Your cooperation in helping us meet this important requirement is requested. Please answer the following questions and return this form to the office. Thank you for your help.
Income Survey
This information is confidential and will only be used to determine eligibility for state funds through the California Department of Education for the school year 23-24. This information will not be divulged for any other reason.
Field Trip Permission
I hold Monterey County Office of Education, the UCEN Board of Directors, and Oasis Charter Public School, its Faculty, Agents and Employees harmless from any and all liability or claims which may arise out of or in connection with my child’s participation in any school authorized field trip.
In an emergency when I cannot be contacted, the school authorities have my permission to use their best judgment in the interest of my child’s health and welfare. The school assumes no financial responsibility. If emergency services involving medical action or treatment is required and neither parent nor the family physician can be reached for consent, I consent to the rendering of such emergency medical service for the above named
student as shall be necessary in the opinion of the medical staff rendering service.
From time to time we take pictures during activities. We would like your permission to use these pictures on our website, advertisement, or in our tri-fold. We will never reference your child by name or provide any specific information regarding your child. We also will never sell these pictures; we will use them exclusively for Oasis purposes.
Family Participation AGREEMENT for 2023-2024
By enrolling my child at Oasis Charter Public School, in agreement with the school’s charter, I
commit to support the school and my child’s education by:
Family Participation Options
Classroom Support Position
● Coordinate with your child’s teacher to help with needs in the classroom.
School-wide Leadership Position
● Leadership position on the OCC, be a Program Coordinator.
School-wide Support Position
● Participate on a school wide committee, help with recess duty, or maintenance needs.
● School-wide events to participate in for the 2023-2024 school year include:
School Camping
Carnival (Sept)
BBQs (Fall or Spring)
Harvest Feast (Nov)
Book Fairs
School Dances
Boxland (May)
6th grade promotion (Jun)
One per line
Homeless Children and Youth Services Program Student Housing Questionnaire
List one child per line with their birthdate
Kindergarten Acknowledgement & Agreement
I (we) acknowledge and agree to the Kindergarten program that Oasis will offer to my child for the
2023-2024 school year. The program is based on the following:
An appropriate and well-designed play-based approach which supports children to develop the
following skills: