Constructivism encourages students learn to construct knowledge rather than passively take in information.
Through Constructivism, students are challenged by understanding their current information and incorporate new information with their pre-existing knowledge. The teacher creates an interactive learning environment whereby students primarily work in groups. Teachers enter into dialogue with students to help them construct their own knowledge by use of a strong academic program.
To achieve academic success, a strong curriculum is offered by integrating the disciplines of math, language (written & oral) through, health, science, social studies and art, music, and drama. The curriculum is guided by the California State Curriculum Standards, the Common Core and NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards).
Project-based learning is how we integrate learning through active learning methods and using students prior knowledge and allow them to construct their own knowledge in meaningful, real-world ways.
Learning Blocks
During the day, teachers are given autonomy to design their day based on recesses, PE, specialty classes and their students’ interest. Everyday, every class does math in the morning after their morning meeting.
Morning Meetings
Teachers use morning meetings to check in with students, discuss classroom arrangement, events, solutions to any problems they are experiencing and voting when needed to practice Democracy.
Core curriculum
- Eureka Math
- Reach for Reading
- Thematic Units
- Teacher created materials
- Online resources:
- Zearn (Eureka Math)
- Freckle (ELA)
- PE (dedicated PE teacher)