We finished the year off with doubling our internal assessment scores, a highly successful Boxland with over 200 people attending over two days, and brought back art and music classes. We also had engaging assemblies from recycling, yo-yos and Growth Mindset to BMX bikes. We got a few of our gardens growing, grew in enrollment by 20 students, and hired more staff for intervention classes for students. The budget grew and is in a healthy state, we now have waitlists for kinder, 1st and 2nd grades, and have made many changes in our building, including new flooring in classrooms. It was a busy but exciting year! Summer school starts soon and is full! Summer school will have fun and engaging math, science and English language arts classes, plenty of recess times 3x during the day, breakfast, snacks, and lunch, and art, music and dance classes in the afternoon. It is a great time to be at Oasis! We are planning for another wonderful year and look forward to having everyone back on campus after they have a restful summer.