Oasis Charter Public School

Nutrition Wellness

Making A Difference With Every Meal

https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/nu/sn/cauniversalmeals.aspThe State of California is the first state to provide, statewide, universal meals to school children. According to the California State Department of Education website, there are three pillars to the universal meal program:

  • Pillar One: California’s State Meal Mandate is expanded to include both a nutritiously adequate breakfast and lunch for, not just needy children, but all children each school day.
  • Pillar Two: High poverty schools will be required to participate in a federal provision.
  • Pillar Three: The California State Legislature allocates funds to provide additional state meal reimbursement to cover the cost of the Universal Meals Program.

 We ask that every family complete a free and reduced lunch application, as this is how the State reimburses Oasis for the costs associated with this program.  We currently use Revolution Foods for our food program. Our food coordinator has been working diligently to order what the students enjoy eating. Menus are posted on Parents Square each month.  For more information on the California State program please visit  https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/nu/sn/cauniversalmeals.asp

Meals at School

2024/2025 SY Meal distribution 

Breakfast: M-F 7:45 am – 8:15 am

Lunch: 11:30 pm-1:00 pm, times are based on grade level lunch times

Please complete and return to school

  • Income Eligibility Guidelines for Free and Reduced-Price Meals
  • 2024-2025 Application for Free and Reduced-Price Meals